Episode 1 - Kasey & Karena, Bluebiyou Cafe Bar & Bistro.
Naomi Toilalo is on a food rescue mission. Join her in Maketu as she challenges top chefs Kasey and Karena Bird to make a 3 course meal out of rescued food.

Episode 2 - Sam Clarke, Central Fire Station Bistro.
Naomi Toilalo is on a food rescue mission. Join her in Napier as she challenges NZs Best Regional Chef Sam Clark to make a 3 course meal out of rescued food.

Episode 3 - Mike Van de Elzen, Good from Scratch
Naomi Toilalo is on a food rescue mission. Join her in Auckland as she challenges much loved chef Mike Van de Elzen to make a 3 course meal out of rescued food.

Episode 4 - Chantelle Nicholson, The Grounds
Naomi Toilalo is on a food rescue mission. Join her as she challenges London's Michelin green starred chef Chantelle Nicholson to make a 3 course meal out of rescued food.

Episode 5 - Peter Gordon, Papatuanuku Marae
Naomi Toilalo is on a food rescue mission. Join her as she challenges legendary Chef Peter Gordon to cook a 3 course meal out of rescued food at Papatuanuku Kokiri marae.

Episode 6 - Brent Martin, Park Hyatt
Naomi Toilalo is on a food rescue mission. Join her as she challenges Park Hyatt Executive Chef Brent Martin to cook a 3 course meal out of rescued food.
We've teamed up with KiwiHarvest to help on their mission to reduce the amount of good food that is wasted each and every day in New Zealand. By working together, we can make a difference and ensure that rescued food gets to tables in our most vulnerable communities.

Learn more about our Food Waste Survey 2023
The estimated annual value of New Zealand's food waste is enough to feed approximately 688,000 Kiwis for an entire year.*

New Zealanders estimate 12.2% of their annual household food spend goes to waste.

New Zealand Food Waste Survey, 2023
Can kiwis do more to reduce food waste?
Highlights from the latest survey:
- New Zealanders are wasting less of their food than a year ago with the estimated percentage of household food waste dropping to 12.2 per cent from 13.4 per cent in 2022.
- However, growing household food spend and an increase in the number of households, mean the overall value of wasted food across New Zealand continues to rise and now totals $3.2 billion per annum (up from $3.1 billion in 2022).
- New Zealanders remain the most concerned about ‘the wasted money’ resulting from food waste, with this cited as a key concern by 74 per cent of respondents.
- Food going off 'before you can eat it’ (50 per cent) and “before use by and best before dates’ (32 per cent) are the reasons most frequently cited for food waste.
- Kiwis’ understanding of food labelling has improved since the last survey, with close to two-thirds now correctly identifying the definition of a best-before label.
- New Zealanders in Gen Z (aged 18-26) estimated they wasted significantly less than last year (19.2 per cent form 28.2 per cent), however they continue to be the most wasteful of all the age groups.
*Based on national claimed average of annual food spend per household, national claimed average of annual food wasted per household, national average number of individuals per household, and the number of New Zealand Households.