Mark Wiessing
Mr Wiessing joined the Board on 31 May 2024.
He holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of Georgia and a Bachelor of Business Administration from the Nyenrode Business University.
Mr Wiessing is a member of Rabobank’s global Management Team for Wholesale and Rural and is responsible for the Rabobank Australia and New Zealand Region in his capacity of Regional Manager, Australia and New Zealand. Mr Wiessing is also a director and Chief Executive Officer of Rabobank Australia Limited.
Mr Wiessing has more than 30 years’ experience in the financial sector, including postings in South America, Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe. He joined Rabobank in 2006 and was the Regional Manager South America and Chief Executive Officer Brazil for 8 years.
Prior to Rabobank Mr Wiessing held roles with other leading financial institutions including Standard Bank of South Africa, Citibank and ING.
Mr Wiessing is a member of the Board Audit Committee, the Board Risk and Compliance Committee and the Board People and Remuneration Committee.