Earn a premium interest rate if you increase your balance by $50 per month.*
on balances up to $100,000*
*You can earn the premium rate on balances up to $100,000. Any balance above this up to $5 million will earn the RaboSaver rate of % p.a. These rates are on the condition that the monthly balance increase (excluding any interest paid during the month) is met. Only one PremiumSaver account can be held per account entity.

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The Benefits
- No account fees
- No minimum balance
- Premium rate of interest for regular savers on balances up to $100,000*
- Balances over $100,000 up to $5 million earn a rate of % p.a. provided the monthly increase conditions are met.*
- Funds are on call, make unlimited withdrawals during the month
- Interest is calculated daily and paid monthly
- Earn a return and help grow a better New Zealand
- One dedicated PremiumSaver account per account entity
The Details
Earn a premium rate by increasing your month-end balance by at least $50 from the start of the month (excluding any interest paid during the month). You need to do this before the last calendar day of the month.
You can earn the premium rate on balances up to $100,000, and any balance above this up to $5 million will earn the RaboSaver rate of % p.a. provided the monthly increase conditions are met.
If your PremiumSaver balance at the end of the month is not at least $50 higher than it was at the start of the month (excluding any interest paid during the month), then the entire balance will earn % p.a. for that month up to $5 million.
Only one PremiumSaver account can be opened for individual, joint or children's accounts and is a great option if you're a regular saver or keen to start a savings habit. It's not available to business or trusts.
We recommend you set up a regular savings plan for the 26th of the month, or an earlier date that is convenient to you. Doing this will ensure that the money is received by us before the last business day of the month.
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Make sure you have a valid Driver Licence or Passport, your mobile phone and your IRD number.
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Frequently Asked Questions
You can check your balance and see if funds need to be added to your PremiumSaver online.
- Log into Rabobank Online Savings
- Select the PremiumSaver account
- Then select ‘Rates & details’
- You will see a message that you will either need to deposit $50 or your balance has been increased to earn the bonus rate.
If this says “… you need to increase your balance by $50.00 before the end of the month” then you will need to deposit $50 to earn the bonus rate.